Scripts for the Struggle
Power Struggles Nicholas Kukla Power Struggles Nicholas Kukla

Scripts for the Struggle

I’ve realized through my short parenting journey that nothing brings out the ugly scripts in my head quite like parenting. Even knowing what I know through thousands of hours of training, college courses, and work experience, nothing could have prepared me for the relentless and vulnerable context parenthood creates.

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7 Tricks to Tame Tantrums
Power Struggles Nicholas Kukla Power Struggles Nicholas Kukla

7 Tricks to Tame Tantrums

Tantrums are probably the number one challenge to most toddler parents. They are most definitely the number one reason why parents contact me. So I wanted to make a “quick reference” guide for tantrums. One you can pull-out on those days when you may not have the mental clarity to think through it yourself or you’re just too tired to troubleshoot through the fifth tantrum that day (Solidarity, mamas!).

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