Goodbye, Nap Time! Hello, Quiet Time!
Transitions Nicholas Kukla Transitions Nicholas Kukla

Goodbye, Nap Time! Hello, Quiet Time!

I would like to start this post by taking a moment of silence to mourn the loss of nap time.

(Quiet sob)….

Now that we have mourned, how do we move on? This transition is rough on parent and child. So how do we soften the blow of losing nap time? Meet quiet time - a very important routine of early childhood for parent and child’s sanity. Quiet time can replace nap time by simply keeping the nap time routine in tact, but allowing the child a little more freedom of activity.

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The Power of a Picture Schedule
Activities, Transitions Nicholas Kukla Activities, Transitions Nicholas Kukla

The Power of a Picture Schedule

Picture schedules are often used with children on the Autism Spectrum as a way to communicate routines and expectations within the classroom. The picture cards on a picture schedule can be used in many different ways, such as: a child communicating preferences, an adult communicating expectations (“First we wash hands, then we eat snack.”), and also as a roadmap for daily activities.

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